Deepfakes once took the internet by storm. No matter where you looked, you’d see people post these edited videos where someone else’s face was added to a video that they were never in. Sounds pretty harmless right? But as harmless and fun as that was, it also brought about a lot of security issues. And that’s mostly because people were concerned by how real the videos looked. But why stop yourself from making funny videos for your friends?

Now, you probably won’t see that many deep fakes being created anymore. But that doesn’t mean that there’s no place for you to do that. The main question is that: What is a video face swap and how does it work? As you read on, we’ll tell you everything that you have to know.

So, let’s get to it:

What Is A Video Face Swapper?

The swap face into a video tool is not too difficult to understand. This tool simply makes use of AI algorithms which lets you move a face from any picture that you want onto a video that you like. With FaceSwapper, you’ll only be worrying about which picture and video to choose. The editing and making your new face swapped video seem realistic is all done by the AI. And you’ll find out more about it in the following section:

How Does The AI Face Swap Tool Work?

We said this earlier but the AI video face swap tool is entirely dependent on a code that’s already designed for you. All that’s left is to give AI something to work with. After that, here’s what it does:

Finding A Face

The first thing the AI does is go ahead and look for a face. In the reference picture that you upload, the AI will start looking for certain facial features. And this will help it make a realistic copy of the face which it can then work with. It will look for different things in each photo. For example, the shape of your nose or the color of your hair. 

Mapping One Face Onto The Other

Next, AI will try to match your face from the picture with a face from the video. The easiest way to understand this is to imagine both faces side by side. That’s how AI will be looking at it. Then, it will try to match the facial features and make sure that your nose shape fits perfectly with the nose shape of the person in the video. 

Blending To Make It Look Natural

Now that AI knows what both faces look side by side, it’s time for some real hard work — The blending. This simply just means that your face is now going to be pasted onto the other person’s body. And this is done by first making your hair, nose and things like skin color match up. All of these are blended together to make sure that your face doesn’t end up looking like it doesn’t belong on the body.

Making The Facial Expressions Match Up

Once your face is completely moved onto the target body, it’s time to make sure that it can move around. Getting your face on a different body is one thing. But making sure it laughs when it needs to or makes a sad face is a whole other thing. In this step, AI is looking to track what happens to the original face in the video. If it starts laughing at any point, you’ll need to look for the changes in facial features. And then these changes have to be made on your face too.

Finalizing The Video

After all the steps are complete, all that’s left is combining it all into one video. From everything that we’ve mentioned, it may seem like this super long process. But with FaceSwapper, this is all done in a matter of seconds.

Editing Even After You’re Done

Once the video is complete, you can go ahead and download the video. But with FaceSwapper, you’ll also have the option to further manually edit the video face swap. Just click on the pencil emote at the bottom or follow the six super easy steps that we’ve laid down below for you.

Steps To Swap Face Into Video Using FaceSwapper

  • Step 1 – Choose Video Face Swapper from FaceSwapper’s home page. 
  • Step 2 – Add The Selfie From Where The Face Should Be Removed
  • Step 3 – Pick The Video Where The Removed Face Should Be Added

You’ll have to make sure that the video you choose is in the .MP4 file format. Moreover, you won’t be able to add any video that’s larger than 50Mbs.

  • Step 4 – Click On Start Video Swapping
  • Step 5 – Press The Pencil Button To Further Edit Your Videos
  • Step 6 – Download Your New Face Swap Video

The Most Common Problems People Face

When trying to create the perfect face swapped video, sometimes things won’t turn out the way you want them to. Here are some of the most common problems people have with a face swapper tool:

The Face Doesn’t Look Natural

Sometimes you’ll end up with a result that shows your face looking pretty unnatural. And this is usually because there’s a problem with either the reference picture or video. Remember that AI is going to try and pick out faces. And if the faces aren’t completely visible, then you can expect your end result to turn out differently. 

For all the videos and pictures that you add, remember to make sure that the lighting and angles are perfect. This will give you the best results.

The Video Is Blurry

Another common problem people end up with is a blurry face in the final video. And this is just mainly because the reference picture is not completely clear. Any picture that’s blurred up is not going to give you the results that you’re looking for.

The Bottom Line

And that’s all there’s to know about the AI Face Swap tool. What’s stopping you from making your own funny videos? All that’s left to do is just scroll back to the steps that we laid out above for you. As long as you keep following them, you’ll your very own deep fake to share with whoever you want!

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