Artificial Intelligence (AI) marketing solutions are software or platforms that help produce automatic judgments. These are based on gathered and analysed data that help to learn and predict the user’s behaviour. Data is essential to marketing, and AI advances this concept while saving time and money. Here, we have disclosed the top 5 useful AI apps for marketing to help you grow your business. 

List of Top 5 Useful AI Apps For Marketing 

  1. can assist you in importing data from any website, even if the information you need is concealed beneath login forms or other features. The data can then be combined into spreadsheets, visuals, or advanced analytics algorithms. With this information at your disposal, you can do anything from analysing your user reviews to doing competitor price research to identify the most crucial areas for improvement.

  1. Phrasee

To create excellent subject lines, employ the assistance of Phrasee’s AI app for marketing. It also helps in generating millions of variations of organic content through its data-driven insights. One of Phrasee’s major benefits would be that the platform is end-to-end, which means the outcomes always will be fed back into it.

  1. HubSpot SEO

HubSpot SEO assesses how search engines interpret and classify your information. This app for marketing enables you to outperform your rivals and raise your search engine ranks. It also provides parameters like competitiveness and relevancy to assist you in developing your content marketing strategy and topic clusters.

  1. Unmetric

Unmetric employs a unique strategy by analysing other businesses’ content and finding fresh content ideas and opportunities.

Unmetric will reveal the strategies behind other brands’ successful content marketing campaigns and steer you toward the type of content that will generate similar outcomes for your company.


Smartly uses the guidance of artificial intelligence (AI), so teams can create, test, and publish the most effective ads for their target market. Your advertising will also be updated automatically in real-time. It utilises predictive algorithms to automatically modify your audiences, advertising, budgets, and bids to meet your performance targets to get the maximum conversion rates.


Companies that incorporated AI apps for marketing in their business have been able to scale further heights in their respective industries. The company is not only powered by AI, but it also quickly becomes more efficient. AI-powered solutions that assist companies in concentrating on efficiency and finding more effective ways to create income. The appropriate AI app for marketing can assist companies in making greater strides in cost reduction and net profit growth.