CodeGeeX is a large-scale multilingual code generation model with 13 billion parameters, pre-trained on a large […]
AI coding assistant for busy programmers. Solve any programming or engineering problem with A.I in seconds
BlackBox AI is a AI powered coding assistant so you can code 10x faster. It enables […]
AI-powered search to find code by searching for what it does, not just what it is. […]
Kodezi is the AI developer tool assistant that auto-corrects your code. Improve your code instantly using […]
Automatically generate code for any Arduino compatible board with a single click. Let AI do the […]
Generate Unit Tests using AI. Supports several languages including Typescript and Python. Also supports various testing […]
Sketch is an AI code-writing assistant for pandas users that understands the context of your data, […]
AI Reality is a platform that enables you to generate simple augmented reality prototypes using text […]
Open Source GPT -3 Powered CLI The current prompt length is ~840 tokens and the pricing […]
Get answers from your data in seconds. Lookup is the AI-powered analytics platform that helps you […]
Your AI pair programmer. GitHub Copilot uses the OpenAI Codex to suggest code and entire functions […]
Whether you’re part of a team, or a developer working on your own, Tabnine will help […]
Amazon CodeWhisperer is a machine learning (ML)–powered service that helps improve developer productivity by generating code […]
This website uses AI to automate generating Regex. It can also translate a given Regex to […]

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